Election and Building Repairs
by Tony GrosingerAt the October potluck we accepted votes for the 2024-2025 Board of Directors. Between those present and votes emailed prior to the potluck, we had enough participants to make a quorum and approve the slate.
There are also several new updates related to hall maintenance. First, repairs to the north wall ar under way! This maintenance work was made possible by generous donations during the Spring Give Orcas campaign where we raised $10,000.

Repairs to the upper portion of the north wall.

Repairs to the lower portion of the north wall.
By the end of the month this wall should have brand new siding that will keep out the rain and breeze.
We also learned this month that our well water is not potable. After working with multiple experts and performing several rounds of chlorination treatment of the well and storage tanks, it has been determined that the best route forward is likely to abandon this water system and to move towards joining West Sound Water Association.
There is still lots of discussion and planning necessary before we can even break ground on making the hook up, but every party is working very hard to restore drinkable water to the hall as soon as possible!